Monday, July 19, 2010

Daily Maintenance

To All that are following-

Thank you so much for your support and words of encouragement! It really helps push me to continue. I have been having trouble trying to decide which story I wanted to share first, but as the days passed and still no decision, it finally came to me today! Lessons or thoughts come in the funniest of ways. At least for me. I would imagine that we could look at any situation and find some kind of lesson learned. Mine came today in the form of my work computer. I lug this thing around all day everyday to chart my visits. All of the important information is kept there for the team of chaplains, social workers, and other nurses to have access to. The main thing I have to remember is to 'sync' after writing my notes in order for the others to see what I have done. If I don't do that one important step, then it is as if I didn't do it because the others can't see it. Another important thing to remember about my computer is that once a week I have to 'reinitialize'. That cleans the old stuff off my computer to make room for the new stuff. As it gets closer to the 1 week mark, my computer gets cranky! The crankier it gets, the crankier I get. And let me tell you......I feel cranky today! Maybe not so much cranky as DRAINED!!! Have you ever felt like that? I would imagine that any occupation along with LIFE in general can make us all feel like that every now and then. Well here comes my lesson/thought/insight, whatever we want to call it.
I think I may have missed out on my own personal 'sync'. If my computer needs to be in sync, then what about me? I may not have to literally plug into a secure online database, but I sure need to plug in somewhere! That's when it hit me. ( ouch that hurt) I need to plug in/'sync' in the bible and prayer. If I remember to do that, then others will be able to "see" what I have become. Just saying I Am A Christan doesn't make it so, others need to see that. If I go day by day forgetting to 'sync' myself with God, then it's as if I don't do it because others can't see it.Wow, that was an important thing for me to figure out! And what about 'Reinitializing'? Cleaning the old stuff out to make room for the new stuff? One word.....CHURCH. I need a place to unload the daily burdens that weigh me down. So as I go to worship and lift my hands in praise, I am getting cleansed and renewed! The longer I go in between getting cleansed and renewed, the crankier I get. Feeling drained and burnt out is a big sign to me that I have missed my daily 'sync' time with God. And being out of town last weekend and missing church has caused an overload of burdens to carry around.
I am not perfect, and this walk , this close walk with God, is new to me. But if I am going to spend so much time taking care of a lifeless computer, then it only makes sense to spend even more time taking care of myself! What an amazing way to keep myself in working order. Time in The Word and Prayer, as well as surrounding myself with other Christians at church. Who knew it could be as simple as that?
SO NOTE TO SELF: Don't forget daily 'sync' and weekly 'reinitializing'.


  1. Amen Kim! I love how the LORD teaches us such wonderful lessons through the ordinary and everyday. Missed you on Sunday. Hope your vacation was relaxing.

  2. So beautifully expressed! I hope you will post this on facebook for all to have access to. You're an oasis in a dry, barren place.
