Wednesday, October 6, 2010

With a Child Like.............

The other day my daughter and I went for a walk. It was a beautiful sunny day with not a cloud in the sky. We heard a plane fly overhead and we both stopped to look up in the sky. For the life of me, I could not find the passing plane. Now I know all about the speed of sound and how we may hear the plane even though it may not be directly overhead; But I am here to tell you that plane could NOT be found! Kaylin said " well maybe it is behind a cloud". Not a cloud in sight, I replied. " Well then maybe it is behind the sky" was her answer and I quickly got a mental picture of the plane covered by the blanket of sky. She then added " and only Jesus and God can see the plane". As I stood there still quite perplexed over the 'missing' plane, her innocent answer really melted my heart. It was in her mind the only logical explanation. And I thought to myself, at what point did I lose my child like faith in God? She really believes that Jesus and God are sitting up there staring down at us......and well, aren't they?  Just like a few months ago when her and her daddy were out flying a kite. We all know that the picture on the kite faces the one flying the kite so you can enjoy what you are flying. She asked Curtis(my husband) to turn the kite around so that Jesus could see the picture of the kite too. Again that child like faith. So I ask myself again. At what point in my life did I lose that child like belief? In a flash I was taken back to when I was a child. Probably the same age Kaylin is now. It was a stormy night with frequent flashes of lightening and a Boisterous thunder that shook the whole house and rattled the windows. I sat frightened looking out our glass door at the storm and my mother came up behind me and said" Boy,somebody sure made God mad". Just then it started to rain to which she quickly added" and now he is sad and crying". In my child like mind, I pictured a very powerful God who could shake the world with thunder,light the darkness with streaks of lightening, and then shed tears of sadness in the form of rain over all of creation! Could this be what Jesus means when in Matthew 18:3 he says " I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven". Just think of the two stories I've just shared. The all out, not a shadow of a doubt, belief by 2 little girls that God is real, powerful, loving, and watching from above. He is mighty enough to cover a plane with a  sky blanket and big enough to rattle the world with a shake of his hand; But loving enough to cry for us when we lose our way. I don't want to ever stray from  my child like love again. I love God and Jesus his son and the next time I hear thunder I hope I fall to my knees in worship. As a matter of fact, why wait for thunder?
 So I left the title open ended because it could be a child like anything. A child   you fill in the blanks

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