Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Everything

Exactly a year ago today, my daughter and I started a nightly routine of devotionals before bed. She is young and calls it'bible study'. So every night before bed she reminds me it is time for 'bible study'. Tonight as she was winding down we opened up the same devotional book to January 1st. It talks about being happy and how God gives us reason to be happy all year long! The bible verse for the night is Proverbs 15:13 and her little book has it as ' A happy heart makes a face look cheerful'. My own daily devotional spoke of how God intended for us to be overwhelmed by the blessings of regular days. Gloria Gaither
Some days are hard but if we seek out our Heavenly Father he will guide us and fill our hearts with, well, 'happy'. Whatever burdens happened in 2011 is in the past. I want to let it go as I look forward to a new year. A new beginning. I want to seek God with a heart that longs for him! I want my daughter to know that a day is not done until 'bible study' has been completed. But she also needs to know that a day is not started until 'bible study' is done. As a woman of Faith, I need to live the example. My challenge to myself and other believers is this:
            1) Start out the day in prayer and bible study( even a 5minute devotional)
            2) Seek out God throughout the day/week( attend a group Bible Study)
            3) End the day with time in The Word and prayer
 A heart that is continually seeking God has no choice but to be overflowing with 'happy'. And having a happy heart sounds like an awesome way to start the year!

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